Wilma Shaw, NTP
Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and a Sugar Warrior!
When I was diagnosed with Pre-Type 2 Diabetes 10 years ago, nobody told me that if I changed my diet and lifestyle, I might change my diagnosis.
My health was on a downward spiral involving several specialists and medications that I never wanted to be part of my life. Fear, shame, and a feeling of helplessness were part of my symptoms.
I got busy and started doing my own research into my illness. What I found is that it all starts in the gut and my beloved sugar was not my friend!
I realized that I had been living with signs and symptoms of poor digestion and blood sugar dysregulation for decades—way before my chronic disease set in. Why didn't any of the doctors or specialists over those decades talk to me about the importance of healing my gut and changing my diet and lifestyle.
Chronic Disease is NOT a life sentence!
Avoid and reverse chronic disease now to live a vital life, one bite at a time.

My Approach to Your Health & Wellness
I will meet you where you are on your journey to being healthy, happy, and whole. Together, we will find the next step for you, whether it's a small group class or individual sessions. I will work directly with you either way. I will be your teacher, coach, and avid supporter!
I am Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition and a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I share my hard-earned knowledge with you so you too can live a vibrant life through real food nutrition and enjoy a healthy lifestyle for decades to come.
Experience the Healing Power of Targeted Nutrition
I know how hard it is to navigate the world of nutrition information. I too was misled by the FDA, AHA, and food companies for many years. I decided to compete in a ½ Ironman in 2010 and really needed to take off some weight. Throughout my training, I lost about 15 pounds, but could not lose any more. I was swimming, biking, and running, but could not drop the extra 20 pounds.
I was following the American Standard Dietary guidelines for exercise nutrition. I was fueling before, during, and after workouts with some type of carbohydrate and occasionally with added protein. I was a true “sugar burner,” meaning that I needed to consume carbohydrates in order to have the energy to continue training. I was not able to use the stored fat in my body as fuel so it stayed with me. My training and nutrition led to further blood sugar and adrenal dysfunction.
As I learned to heal myself, I found my passion: helping others navigate their path to health using the fundamentals of nutrient-dense whole foods and lifestyle.