Why is drinking water so tough at times?

From reading by last blog post about why water is so very important to you at a cellular level, you understand that drinking it throughout the day is foundational to your health.   However, you recognize that you are still not getting as much water during the day as you believe you should.  Maybe It’s just not something you think about until you have a headache, or parched lips, and sometimes not even then!  If this is you, you are certainly not alone.  “I know I should drink more water”, is something I hear on a regular basis from my new clients.

This is a typical example – I would visit my mother and ask if she was drinking water.  She would point to the large glass of water on the table and say “oh yes, look, it’s right here”.  But, here’s the problem, having a glass of water on the table next to you is not the same thing as drinking a glass of water.  Another example – Do you know anyone that carries a water bottle around with them everywhere they go, but never needs to fill it?  I see that all the time and on occasion that person is ME!

What are Some Barriers to Drinking Enough Water?

I HATE having to go PEE so much!  Okay, this is true, take in more fluid and you will pee a little more.  Here’s the thing, that will certainly happen initially as your body adjusts to the increase.  But, your body will adjust to the new level of hydration.  Stop drinking a couple hours before bed except for a few ounces if needed.  Don’t try to make up for lack of drinking your water during the day by guzzling before bedtime.  That makes for uncomfortable sleep with getting up to pee more than you may be doing already.

Water tastes crappy!  That can be true depending on where you live and your supply.  Consider at least something like a charcoal filter for your tap water.  If you are at all curious what contaminants are in Water from the tapyour local water supply, go to the Environmental Working Group Tap Water Database and enter your zip code.  It’s worth the few seconds it takes – trust me!  If you are on a well, it is worth it to have it periodically tested for mineral content.

Please don’t turn to single use plastic bottles of filtered or spring water to avoid the tap.  It is true that plastic leeching into the water from the bottle can be harmful, but even worse is the buildup of plastic on our lands and in our oceans.  Staying away from the single use plastic bottles is one thing you can do to reduce the impact of discarded plastics.   Read this summary from World Wild Life for more information on the current situation with plastic and what else you can do to help.


What is the Trick to Remembering to Drink?

You won’t get hydrated by simply carrying a bottle around with you.  I’m sharing a few of the things I use to remember throughout the day.  If you have something that works for you, I would love to hear about it in the comments.

Bottles or Glasses with Rubber Bands

Nothing pretty, just basic rubber bands around your water bottle or glass that help you remember how Water bottle with rubber bandsmany times you filled it up that day.  That’s what gets me, I forget how many times and therefore, how much water
I’ve had.  What I do is start with a full bottle with all the bands at the top.  Then I move one band down each time I fill the bottle.  My goal is to have all the bands at the bottom of the water bottle by end of day.  For me that is around 60 -70 ounces depending on my activity that day and what else I’ve consumed.  This bottle in the image is showing that I drank the first fill and have since filled it once so that means I am on my 2nd bottle.  This bottle is around 14 ounces, so I place 4 bands around it giving me a total of 5 fills * 14 ounces or 70 ounces for the day.  Remember you start with the bottle full and all bands at the top!    So, how many bands would you use if you had a 16-ounce bottle and wanted to target 64 ounces of water a day?  Yup, that’s right, 3 rubber bands for a total of 4*16 or 64 ounces!

Make Drinking Water Flavorful & Fun

So many wonderful herbs and fruits you can add to your water to spice it up.  Most of us have either tried or at least heard about putting a slice of lemon in your water.  It is my recommendation to start your Make Drinking fun with herbs and fruitday with a warm glass of lemon water, we talked about this in the previous article.  There are so many other options that turn a plain glass of water into a delightful drink like a sprig of mint, slices of cucumber, orange slices, blueberries, grapefruit, raspberries, or watermelon to name a few.  Then try pairing with various herbs such as mint, fennel, rosemary, thyme, ginger, or basil and find out what makes your water delicious.  If you are one of the lucky ones that simply loves plain water – wonderful.  You may still want to try some combinations of fruit and herbs for the fun of it.

Track How Much You are Drinking With an App

You may have great success with a phone app, so why not give it a try.  I’ll point to a couple of them that you can check out.   “My Water – Daily Water Tracker” for iPhone  or the Drink Water Reminder – Android. There are so many out there that I suggest starting with one and then moving on to another if that one doesn’t work for you.  I personally prefer ones with very limited features because I only want to use it to track water.   Some of them get so very complicated with features you may not be interested in.   If you have one or find one that you just love, please let us know in the comments below.

Alternate Water with your Alcohol, Soda, or Coffee

Staying hydrated while drinkingConsider alternating in water with whatever else you are drinking.  This works great in so many ways.  Drinking alcohol and coffee can be dehydrating, so mixing in a glass of plain H2O between drinks is very helpful.  Same thing goes if you still enjoy a soda here and there.  One soda – then one big glass of water.  For those of you out there drinking caffeinated tea or coffee ALL day long – this is for you!  Fill your mug with water and make sure to finish that before having more coffee or tea.  I promise you that your body will thank you in so many ways.  Also consider that requiring caffeine later in the day is a sign that your energy levels aren’t being sufficiently maintained.  Improved nutrition and hydration will help you in the long run more than any amount of stimulant.

Make Drinking Water a Habit

Think about something that you do each and every day already without much effort at all.  Maybe it is sitting down at your desk to work or getting up to use the bathroom or answering the phone or walking the dog.  Drinking water can be paired with any activity that you do on a regular basis.  This is called making  “stacking” habits.  Does that make sense?  Find something positive that you are already doing and add some water before, during or after.  Depending on your work schedule or simply your movement around the house, you could have water in a certain room that you drink when you enter.  Here’s what helps me – when I find myself thinking that I want a snack, I drink some water.  Not only does it relieve the craving for the snack, but it gets me the water, which is what I really needed.

Get a Really Big Water Bottle

Various large drinking bottlesI remember seeing someone at a health fare with this huge 72 ounce bottle with writing on it at different levels.  I had never seen that and thought it such a great idea.  This way, you don’t need to worry about how often you fill it up.  Just fill it to your goal for the day and you know when you are there.  These come in all sizes and you can find them in glass as well – look for “glass growlers”.  This way you avoid the plastic and get a workout at the same time :).


Is There Such a Thing as Drinking Too Much Water?

Great question – yes, there is!  Remember that you are also getting water from your food throughout the day.  Soups, broths, fruit and vegetables offer water as part of their nutrients.  What to look for…A slight tinge of yellow in your urine is where you want to be.  Having urine look just totally clear is not the goal.  That actually means you are flushing out too many minerals.  If this happens, then decrease the amount you are drinking and/or add some minerals to your H2O.  The simplest way to do this is by adding a tiny pinch of sea salt to your water.  It should not taste salty, if it does, then you added a bit too much.  We are each unique and along with that, our fluid needs are unique.  Guess what, they will also change day to day so we do the best we can by listening to our body.  A place to start could be by drinking half of your body weight in ounces each day.

So, if you weigh 140 lbs then 70 ounces of water daily is a reasonable place to begin.  If you weigh more than 200 lbs, then limit to 100 ounces as a starting point.  I suggest that you start with this formula and see how you feel.  Remember that anything else you are drinking, eating, how much you are exercising, the weather, it all plays a role.  Bottom line is to stay hydrated and once you start working on it, you will get a better sense of what that means to you.  I promise you this – your body will thank you with better overall cellular function and wellness.

I love to hear from you – what worked and what didn’t work so much.  What other tips & tricks have you found to be successful?


Share The Wellness


  1. Beth Berman on March 15, 2021 at 8:13 pm

    Is the color of your urine a good indicator of if we are getting enough water?

    • Wilma Shaw on March 16, 2021 at 1:49 pm

      Hi Beth,
      That’s a great question and yes, the color of our urine is indicative of our level of hydration. What we want to see is a very pale yellow tinge, not dark and not clear. Please note thought that taking B vitamins can make your urine a bright yellow. As I wrote in the article, if your urine is totally clear, then you are losing too many minerals. Either cut back or add something like a pinch of sea salt to your water.

  2. Valerie Piacenti on March 16, 2021 at 10:36 am

    Thank you! Very helpful and tasty suggestions for flavoring water and the rubber bands reminder is great!

    • Wilma Shaw on March 16, 2021 at 1:56 pm

      Great Valerie! I hope that the ideas work for you.

  3. Joan Sandler on March 16, 2021 at 5:39 pm

    I tried the suggestion of drinking a glass of water before morning coffee and was surprised to realize how thirsty I was. Now I look forward to “morning water”. Thanks for the idea!

    • Wilma Shaw on March 16, 2021 at 6:11 pm

      Glad to hear it Joan. Warm lemon water or at least water first thing in the morning was a game changer for me. I enjoy my coffee more now and just feel like it’s a better start to the day. Thanks for letting me know.

  4. Eileen Olinger on March 19, 2021 at 6:00 pm

    I know I have been wanting to increase water intake but have been hit or miss. Love the idea of warm lemon water in the AM.

    • Wilma Shaw on March 20, 2021 at 2:14 pm

      Warm lemon water is something that has become a habit for me and really allows me to enjoy my coffee so much more. Your body will thank you for the morning hydration 🙂